Future projects
There is a potential problem with a few areas of bank on the top lake. It has eroded and sunk due to excessive overflowing of the lake over several years. We will take steps to remedy the problem as and when finances permit.
(Update) Work has now been completed in two areas, and other areas will be tackled once time and finances allow.
We have now dedicated the beach - side area for younger anglers. A new picnic bench has been placed there. The fishing rules still apply in this area, and all under sixteens must be supervised. Please dispose of all litter. If you have any ideas in which we can improve the area, please contact us at our E mail address.
To celebrate the Platinum Anniversary of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and in accordance with her wishes, we hope to plant an area of native fruit trees and other native trees which will hopefully be an enduring testament to the reign of Her Majesty as well as offering all year round attraction for birds, bees and other insects and provide some fruit for users to the site. We hope to have a notice board, similar to the wildlife board next to the picnic bench, to commemorate the Platinum Anniversary. As our funds are limited, we will be seeking donations from interested members. We anticipate that trees in the size, origin and quality we seek, will be in the order of £50 each. Purchase of the trees, and planting will take place later in the year.
UPDATE - following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, we have begun to plant fruit, and other, trees in her memory, using donations kindly provided by lodge owners. The new trees are flourishing, and are already bearing fruit. If any lodge owners would like to contribute to this project, we would welcome donations to cover the costs. The cost of trees has increased since we first mooted the project, but we are still hoping that a donation of £50 will cover the cost of a new tree.
There are now two new picnic benches on site, one beach - side, the other near the wildlife pond. These are available for all users to the site, either for picnic, or just to enjoy the peace and quiet.
The fishing platforms are constantly monitored for signs of decay, and roped off if considered unsafe. They are being replaced using better materials, and build specification, finances permitting.
We now have a solar powered aerator on the top lake. The system is operational, but the permanent siting of the fountain, and solar panels has yet to be completed.